Friday, June 11, 2010

This Week

Yay! It's Friday!
Things I've Learned This Week (In no particular order)

1. My son growls in his sleep
2. It is possible to love a friend and still have major house envy where she is concerned
3. It is possible to hold a beautiful, new baby and not want one
4. Too much of a good thing really is too much (ice cream)
5. It is possible for the first week of summer vacation to fly by and be the same week before your beach trip that drags by
6. Don't answer the phone before 8:00 am. It's never good news.

It's only 8:10 so I'm sure there are more lessons in store for me today.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, I have a family blog that I never post to because I got some weird hits that freaked me out a bit. I don't know anyone in Russia so I really don't like to think of them looking at my kids. Also, my parents were reading my blog which kinda sorta limits my ranting at times. So, here is a completely new blog that won't talk too much about my kids and who or where they are. I plan to be very open and honest here. A sort of therapy blog, if you will. I hope to be funny at times and maybe, just maybe make you think. Whoever you are...I'll just pretend someone is reading this for now. Like maybe my best friend...yep, this will be like I'm talking to my best friend.

So here's some thoughts for today:

It's summer vacation here and I have three kids at home. This means that I am very limited on things I can do right now. I made a hair appointment (why didn't I do this before school let out?) but couldn't find anyone to keep the kids. There wasn't an opening when my mom could keep them, my best friend is busy and my mother - in - law won't keep them because there is rain in the forecast. What???? Yes. There is rain predicted for that day and that means that she can't leave her house for fear of what? Melting? Did I say that out loud? My personal theory is that she doesn't think my getting my hair done is a worthy reason to babysit. I've noticed that she only says yes when it helps out the kids or her son, my husband. If it's for me, the answer is NO. Hmm...This would bother me more if it didn't involve someone who is afraid of rain. That part is true. No worries though, the hubby said I could pay our usual sitter. I was just trying to save some cash...I'm cheap like that.

Last summer I lost weight. Like, serious weight. Over the summer I lost 30 pounds and got up to 55 pounds lost. This spring I gained back 25. I haven't been working out during the end of school madness and now with the kids home it is impossible to get to the gym. Also, I've been eating anything and everything that strikes my fancy. Dang those carbs! They complete me. And not in a good way. So today, I woke up early and went for a fast walk/slow jog before the husband went to work. It felt so good even though it was very steamy outside. Remember, it might rain! I did learn something though. It might be a good idea to wake up a little earlier and wash my face, brush my teeth and hair before leaving the house. It seems the entire neighborhood is on a health kick! I was so embarrassed! Next week is vacation but after that, I'm planning on detoxing from all these carbs and trying to lose at least 20 pounds before school starts back.

I guess that's it for today. If you read this, leave me a comment so I know I'm not just talking to myself. Thanks.